Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Immigrants Do Not Take Jobs Away from Natives

Immigrants Take the Jobs Away from American People, this is not true. According to research immigrants create more jobs because a big percentage is self-employed which means that they employ other people too. Ladies and Gentlemen, there is unemployment because a lot of people just want to be unemployed. They want to wait until they find a better job and others want to leave on unemployment or welfare. That is not the immigrants fault; immigrants would work on anything in order to survive. For immigrants it does not matter if they make less money then their prior job, and that is the pride of many people that they can not make less money then the job before. Immigrants take many jobs that the natives born refuse to do.

It is going to keep on happening that myth will arrive in order to make people believe that immigrants are a bad thing for the United States but is always good to do research and find the truth. In the mean time what we need to do as Americans is to work hard and be competitive in our jobs, employers want productivity and if that is not happening someone else will replace us. The United States is what it is because of the people that live in it and if we decide that we will not work hard and blame it on others we will lose what we have. The United States needs educated and hard working people to make a better United States, and that is something that immigrants will help to do because immigrants have always helped (Kennedy 65).


Kennedy, John F. A Nation of Immigrants. Revised and Enlarged Edition. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1964.


Julie P.Q. said...

I find it inspirational that you are using JFK's book as you write about immigration and America. This is really thought provoking. Maybe, in addition to mentioning that there are jobs out there not taken by citizens, show us a few examples?

Karst said...

I dont believe immigrants are a bad thing for the United States, I do believe that illegal immigrants are bad for the United States.

What about educated immigrants, are you saying that immigrants with education and the same qualifications are going take a job that has less benefits than what they are qualified to get? If the anwser is no, then it is true that immigrants add compition and take away jobs.