Monday, April 2, 2007

Immigrants in the United States

I have designed this blog to give information on topics that are very important about immigrants that are living illegally in the United States. This is a very sensitive topic and is very important to clarify many rumors that are based on believes rather than on statistics. Immigration in the United States is not a new issue, but it has become the main topic that most of the people want to talk about especially within the last year. There have been many steps taken against immigrants but it would be great to find the real reason on why this topic has become so important lately. Some of the reasons that are used when people talk about immigrants are rumors because they are not based on facts but on ideas that people believe are true.
One of the rumors that I have heard and it makes a great impact on people is that illegal immigrants do not pay taxes and this is not true. Another rumor is that immigrants take the jobs away from the Natives Americans and this might be true in a way but it also helps because of the competition. These are going to be some of the topics that are going to be included in the context of this page. The main idea of this page is to provide the most accurate information in order to have a better view in this topic which is immigration in the United States. I will strive to find the best information based on research because we as Americans have to know the truth.

1 comment:

Julie P.Q. said...

Yes! I wonder why this topic is so heated. I actually just read an article that states that if it wasn't for immigration, big cities like Boston would actually lose population...