Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Immigrant Contribution to the United States

Immigrants have always been people’s prey on for many reasons. What is hard to understand is the reason why we have forgotten where we come from, it is understood that it is in human nature to forget the past but is great to reflect on the past to make a good future. It is probably because of the selfishness that is in a great majority of humans posses; and the thought that all that matters is the well being of me, my self and I. We do not think of others or what happened to our ancestor. The United States would not be what it is now if it was not for those immigrants that give to this country the best of their ability. To have a better understanding, next is a list of some of those immigrants that gave their life, and intelligence instead of giving it to some one else that could have use it against as.
The anonymous immigrant has done a lot for this nation but we are going to remember those that are well known. Among the immigrants that are well known are the following scientists and inventors, “Albert Einstein (German), in physics; Michael Pupin (Serbian), in electricity; Enrico Fermi (Italian), in atomic research…Giuseppe Bellanca (Italian) and Igor Sikorsky (Russian) who made outstanding contribution to airplane development…Alexander Graham Bell (Scot), who invented the telephone…”(Kennedy 65,66). There are many things that have been accomplished and are attributed to immigrants therefore when we turn against immigrants we are turning our back to those that helped us to be what we are now and who helped us become the proud Americans that we are.

Next blow we will have information about weather immigrants do or do not pay taxes.


Kennedy, John F. A Nation of Immigrants. Revised and Enlarged Edition. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1964.


Akaita N. said...

Your right about that. The contributions that were made to the U.S plays a huge role in our everyday lives. I don't believe immigration is a problem for us in the states, when something good comes out of it, but as soon as an outsider does something wrong, we take it to the head.

Karst said...

Let us not forget there is a difference between "immigration" and "illegal immigration." That is what many people believe is wrong. We have laws and a justice system that must be upheld!

If we do not condem immigrants that come to our country illegally then hence we are saying it is right for them to come as they will. And let me ask you what would happen if we just let all immigrants who want to come into our contry walk across the border?

Do you really think this would be a smart thing to do? And would help our country out? NO! We have laws and standards that need to be upheld, and any immigrant that attempts or does cross our borders illegally needs to be brought to justice.

Big Ben said...

You can't deny that immigrants wether they be legal or illegal have made contributions. I was gone all last week and I went to Mexico for the first time in my life and will be writing about my expierience.

Julie P.Q. said...

Go on! Great post. I think Cody makes a good point about immigration and illegal immigration, but you also make a strong statement that worrying about illegal immigration when considering acts of violence is probably going in the wrong direction.

My concern: if we have these laws, why isn't the government putting the kibosh on big corporations who hire these no-paperwork immigrants? That's where we can really make a difference. Stop corporations from exploiting labor.

Of coure there are laws, but that doesn't mean they're ethical...