Tuesday, May 8, 2007

My Experience Writing Blogs

There is a total of ten blogs that I wrote in a period of eight weeks. The blogs are about immigration; and they give good information that is never given to or paid any attention by the American people. The experience is incredible not only because I was able to express my beliefs but also because I was able to do something that I have never done before. I remember the day that Mrs. Julie Peluso (English professor) said that we were going to be writing blogs, I felt intimidated because the word made it sound impossible to do. I had no idea on what a blog was at the time. I thought that it was going to be the hardest thing that I would have to do in college. Mrs. Peluso assured me that I was going to be fine and I am glad that I was given this opportunity to write blogs.

This type of class is the class that keeps the student motivated because it gives the student an opportunity to write about their interests. I feel that I have been able to not only enhance my writing but also to learn a way of communicating through the internet. This way of communication is still new to many people, in fact most of the people that I have talked to about what a blog is, I have had to explain to them what it is. I am very happy with the outcome that I have had in my English Class. As a student, I would recommend this professor to anyone who has to take this course. She always found ways to gain the students interest in the class and this class has served its purpose.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Ways to Enter the United States Legally

This blog is the continuation to the prior blog. On the prior blog was mentioned that there are very few ways to enter the United States legally and that it is not an easy process. Many people has obtain asylum in the United States and the requirements for an asylum are as follow; fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality or political reasons. The person applying for asylum has to be in danger in the place of origin and it must be proven to the United States government.

The people that enter the United States illegally have to remain illegal until the government approves a reform for immigrants and this is always different. It could be for people that have been working in agriculture and they have to fall in a time frame. The immigrants have to show that during their stay they have been good citizens and any problem with the law would disqualify them. Immigrants come to the United States to have a better future and not to take jobs away or commit crimes, they are people that want to make a better living in the land of opportunities and freedom. What we us Americans need to do is to strive for a better education and immigrants would not become a threat to us instead they will help us to be better in our country.

Part two of two.

Ways to Enter the United States Legally

It is believed by many that it is very easy for immigrants to come into the United Stats legally, but in reality it is very hard to do because of all the barriers that have been put against immigrants. There are very few ways to come to this country legally. To give a better idea, next is a list of the ways that immigrants can come legally to the United States. Two of the ways that immigrants can enter the United States legally, are with Immigrant and non-immigrant visas.

Non-immigrant visa, the individual that obtains this visa is only allowed to do what he has been authorized to do in the United States. This visa could be a student visa, visitor visa or a temporary work visa. The temporary work visa is only issued to those that are categorized us having “Extraordinary Ability” or people that are very smart and have a good education. Non-immigrant visas also cover the people that are sponsored by businesses in the United States and the employer requests that the candidate enter the United States on a temporary visa.

The immigrant visa is issued to those individuals that have been authorized to work and live in the United States. Most of this people are the people who came to the United States illegally and have the opportunity to become legally citizen. Once an illegal immigrant becomes legal immigrant, they can request for an immigrant visa for their close relatives.

This is part one of two.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Immigrants Do Not Take Jobs Away from Natives

Immigrants Take the Jobs Away from American People, this is not true. According to research immigrants create more jobs because a big percentage is self-employed which means that they employ other people too. Ladies and Gentlemen, there is unemployment because a lot of people just want to be unemployed. They want to wait until they find a better job and others want to leave on unemployment or welfare. That is not the immigrants fault; immigrants would work on anything in order to survive. For immigrants it does not matter if they make less money then their prior job, and that is the pride of many people that they can not make less money then the job before. Immigrants take many jobs that the natives born refuse to do.

It is going to keep on happening that myth will arrive in order to make people believe that immigrants are a bad thing for the United States but is always good to do research and find the truth. In the mean time what we need to do as Americans is to work hard and be competitive in our jobs, employers want productivity and if that is not happening someone else will replace us. The United States is what it is because of the people that live in it and if we decide that we will not work hard and blame it on others we will lose what we have. The United States needs educated and hard working people to make a better United States, and that is something that immigrants will help to do because immigrants have always helped (Kennedy 65).


Kennedy, John F. A Nation of Immigrants. Revised and Enlarged Edition. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1964.

Immigrants Pay Their Share of Taxes

There is a myth that has been going around that implies that immigrants do not pay taxes but this is not true. Immigrants pay taxes even though they can not claim their share at the end of the year. Immigrants feel fine because they were able to make a living for that year. In order for an immigrant to obtain a job they must provide with documents and most of the times those are illegal. Even if the documents are illegal the government does not care, the government collect their taxes. Illegal immigrants lose all that money because they can not claim taxes and this come to be the millions of dollars that come to be unclaimed at the end of the year. Even if a very small number of the undocumented immigrants are paid “under the table” they still pay sales taxes, which means they are paying taxes.

The Government has established a system in which they immigrants are issued a Tax Identification Number (TIN) and ever since the (TIN) was imposed, there has been an increment in taxes filing by illegal immigrants. The TIN is used for tax purposes only but immigrants want to use this system because that shows that they want to obey the law. Illegal Immigrants are willing to pay taxes because this will prove to the United States Government that they have been good citizens when they have the opportunity to apply for legal documents. The myth that immigrants do not pay taxes is misleading and completely false because immigrants are willing to pay taxes and now that the TIN is in place more immigrants are using it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Immigrant Contribution to the United States

Immigrants have always been people’s prey on for many reasons. What is hard to understand is the reason why we have forgotten where we come from, it is understood that it is in human nature to forget the past but is great to reflect on the past to make a good future. It is probably because of the selfishness that is in a great majority of humans posses; and the thought that all that matters is the well being of me, my self and I. We do not think of others or what happened to our ancestor. The United States would not be what it is now if it was not for those immigrants that give to this country the best of their ability. To have a better understanding, next is a list of some of those immigrants that gave their life, and intelligence instead of giving it to some one else that could have use it against as.
The anonymous immigrant has done a lot for this nation but we are going to remember those that are well known. Among the immigrants that are well known are the following scientists and inventors, “Albert Einstein (German), in physics; Michael Pupin (Serbian), in electricity; Enrico Fermi (Italian), in atomic research…Giuseppe Bellanca (Italian) and Igor Sikorsky (Russian) who made outstanding contribution to airplane development…Alexander Graham Bell (Scot), who invented the telephone…”(Kennedy 65,66). There are many things that have been accomplished and are attributed to immigrants therefore when we turn against immigrants we are turning our back to those that helped us to be what we are now and who helped us become the proud Americans that we are.

Next blow we will have information about weather immigrants do or do not pay taxes.


Kennedy, John F. A Nation of Immigrants. Revised and Enlarged Edition. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1964.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Terrorists Are Legal in the USA

One of the major things in the United States in the present time is terrorism. The United States started by fighting terrorism and they moved in to immigration because they do not want to take the risk that terrorist might cross the border. Well, by doing research so far the border patrol has not found a terrorist trying to cross the border and the reason is because terrorists come to the United States legally or they are born here. If we go back to 1995, Oklahoma City bombing, it was caused by an American and also former soldier. The bomber was Timothy McVeigh, born in Pendleton, New York. After the bombing in Oklahoma City, the attack in the World Trade Center that change not only the American people but also the world took place.

The Attack at the World Trade Center, was caused by people that had enter the United States legally, this is according to a report that was released by CNN. The people that decide to become terrorists are people that are well educated and they can travel to the United States by using nonimmigrant visas.
They become educated to be able to travel the world legally by showing their high level of education. On the other hand the immigrants that come to the United States they have one purpose, and that is to enjoy the land of freedom and opportunity. Immigrants do not come to the United States to do bad things but instead to help and in return make some money.

Next blog will be interesting.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Games Used by Politicians Using Immigration

Politicians use immigration in order to cover up more important issues that should be of more interest to the American people. Since the beginning of the war in Iraq, the government was being harassed about the occupation in Iraq. The government had to give speech after speech to the American people to try to convince them that everything was going to be fine, and that the war on terrorism had to continue in order to show the world that the 3000 Americans that lost their lives in the World Trade Center, would not be in vain. The government needed to find something that would deviate the people from the Iraqi war because it was becoming very frustrating to them. The government finally thought of the immigrants because this is a very important topic to most of the people in the United States. Here is where the Immigrants became very handy and the government started the contraction of the border fence and the raids against immigrant.
The Secure Fence Act of 2006 was taken by Republicans to President George W. Bush just before the election (CNN.com). This is one of the ways that the politicians use immigrants to achieve better results on their campaigns. President Bush also visited 5 countries in North, Central and South America, making his last stop in Mexico. President Bush reassures president Calderon that he has not given up on overhauling immigration policy (Asia News). Politicians do their best to touch all matters in order to be in a good situation when it comes to the elections, also when they become frustrated on a certain topic. Immigration will not stop because there are four sides to secure around the United States, but the immigration topic will slow down once a better topic is found or the Iraqi war ends. The information above gives few of the ways that immigration has been used by politicians for their own benefit.
Next blog will have information on terrorist and information showing that they come legally to the United States.

Political Campaigns and the Use of Immigration

Here is some history and information that is going to provide background on early immigration debates. The first debate was between the British and the colonies because immigration was one of the major factors for their desire of independence. In British parliament in 1826, were warned by the committee that immigrants would “deluge Great Britain with poverty and wretchedness, and gradually but certainly …equalize the state of the English and Irish peasantry” (Jones 102). This view of immigration in the British parliament would also close America’s door to immigration. All the rules under British parliament also pertained to the American colonies, and the colonies wanted to have immigrants for the growth of the United States. As time passed the idea of having immigrants in the United States has changed.
One of the earliest political parties to think of using the immigrants in a way to achieve the most votes in their campaign for the presidency was Native American Party. The Native American Party was formed by immigrants or White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, and their ideas help them to elect candidates into the government to restrict immigration (Roleff 27). With the information provided above we can find out that immigration has been use in many ways to help the political campaigns throughout our history in the United States.

In the next blog there will be interesting information on how politicians use immigration to their benefit.


Roleff, Tamara L. Immigration. Opposing Viewpoints Series. Michigan: Greenhaven Press, 2004.

Jones, Maldwyn Allen. American Immigration. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1960.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

History of Immigration in the United Sates

Immigration has been the number one topic that comes on the news every day but before going on with immigration, it is very important to look at the history of immigration in the United States. The United States is a country that was found by immigrants that wanted to have freedom and economic opportunity. The declaration of independence formed the beginning of the United States and most of the signers were immigrants. “Of fifty-six signers of the Declaration of Independence, eighteen were of non-English stock and eight were first-generation immigrants. Two immigrants-the West Indian Alexander Hamilton, who was Washington’s Secretary of the Treasury, and the Swiss Albert Gallatin, who held the same office under Jefferson-established the financial policies of the young republic” (Kennedy 64,65). This is very important information to know because it shows that immigrants in the United States have been around for quite some time; but most important is that immigrants have contributed to the development of this great nation.
There have been people who wanted to write about immigration but it is very difficult because it goes too far back in time. Oscar Handlin a historian has said, “Once I thought to write a history of the immigrants in America. Then I discovered that the immigrants were American history (Kennedy 64). Knowing the role that immigrants have had in the making of the United Sates, it is very important to take into consideration that immigrants will continue helping to the growth of this nation. The government instead of acknowledging this fact decides to construct a barricade to stop immigrants from coming in to the United States (CNN.COM). This was just a little bit of the history of immigrants; but one thing is for sure, immigrants have made a big contributribution to the power that this nation possesses.
There is more information coming in future posts regarding Immigration and it is going to clear-up many people’s minds, views and misconceptions of immigrants.

Kennedy, John F. A Nation of Immigrants. Revised and Enlarged Edition. New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, 1964.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Immigrants in the United States

I have designed this blog to give information on topics that are very important about immigrants that are living illegally in the United States. This is a very sensitive topic and is very important to clarify many rumors that are based on believes rather than on statistics. Immigration in the United States is not a new issue, but it has become the main topic that most of the people want to talk about especially within the last year. There have been many steps taken against immigrants but it would be great to find the real reason on why this topic has become so important lately. Some of the reasons that are used when people talk about immigrants are rumors because they are not based on facts but on ideas that people believe are true.
One of the rumors that I have heard and it makes a great impact on people is that illegal immigrants do not pay taxes and this is not true. Another rumor is that immigrants take the jobs away from the Natives Americans and this might be true in a way but it also helps because of the competition. These are going to be some of the topics that are going to be included in the context of this page. The main idea of this page is to provide the most accurate information in order to have a better view in this topic which is immigration in the United States. I will strive to find the best information based on research because we as Americans have to know the truth.